Feb 12·edited Feb 12Liked by Richard Y Chappell

I think you can look to computer science and especially machine learning research to see what "publish then filter" looks like in practice in a huge and well-funded area of science.

To give a concrete recent example: there is a new paper giving a technique called "Mamba" which is an alternative to the self-attention mechanisms in transformer neural networks. It's a highly-regarded piece of work that already has a lot of hype and publicity. As far as anyone can tell, it seems to have just been *rejected* from a top computer science publication venue. But the paper and peer reviews are all public, so people are free to argue that this was bad, and it has not stopped the technique from being influential (it has 43 citations in the 2 months so far since preprint) and gathering followup work before even being formally published.


The system generally works very okay. Peer review in these fields is widely regarded as low quality and unreliable, but I believe this freewheeling culture, complemented by open source software, is a big reason why progress in machine learning has still been so rapid in the last decade.

On the other hand: it definitely does not disincentivize low quality papers. There is a lot of dreck.

And even when you have important, high-quality research, the quality of the actual *paper*, as a written product explaining & arguing, is observably much lower in these fields than in others with the traditional journal system. I think this is probably a good tradeoff for scientific fields where the paper is just a description of the real contribution. I think it might be bad for philosophy, where to some extent the argument itself is the contribution.

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Apr 20Liked by Richard Y Chappell

I assume you saw this announcement, but in case not, this blog post could be a good fit, or you could write something specifically for this competition: https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/posts/XxBwnSt4BcBhpJJyX/essay-competition-on-the-automation-of-wisdom-and-philosophy

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Mar 15Liked by Richard Y Chappell

I'm a huge believer in this. I have a close to finished website that is trying to enable exactly the same transition for mathematics.

I basically think someone just needs to go out there and add an evaluative/comment functionality on top of Phil papers to get this started. Sure maybe it won't be that great first time out but nothing prompts others to action like trying to fix what they think you did wrong.

If you ever start putting together a group to actually get this kind of thing off the ground I'm happy to donate labor, programming etc..

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Feb 12Liked by Richard Y Chappell

You might like this interview I did with Nick Hadsell on whether philosophy journals should publish AI generated papers https://youtu.be/VgimwsL4Wek?si=zDFT1q6Rs84Y0Gkb

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